
一人の場合で、ちょっと長いけれども dungeon crawl の religion.cc から。

if (one_chance_in(100))
    // Choose a god randomly from those to whom we owe penance.
    // Proof: (By induction)
    // 1) n = 1, probability of choosing god is one_chance_in(1)
    // 2) Asuume true for n = k (ie. prob = 1 / n for all n)
    // 3) For n = k + 1,
    //      P:new-found-god = 1 / n (see algorithm)
    //      P:other-gods = (1 - P:new-found-god) * P:god-at-n=k
    //                             1        1
    //                   = (1 - -------) * ---
    //                           k + 1      k
    //                          k         1
    //                   = ----------- * ---
    //                        k + 1       k
    //                       1       1
    //                   = -----  = ---
    //                     k + 1     n
    // Therefore, by induction the probability is uniform.  As for
    // why we do it this way... it requires only one pass and doesn't
    // require an array.
     int which_god = GOD_NO_GOD;
    unsigned int count = 0;
     for (int i = GOD_NO_GOD; i < NUM_GODS; i++)
        if (you.penance[i])
            if (one_chance_in(count))
                which_god = i;
     if (which_god != GOD_NO_GOD)

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roguelike のソースは多くが公開されていて、ソースコード読解の練習として手ごろである。dungeon crawlC++はひどいものの angband は美しい C言語で書かれていて、その証拠に多くの variant (変種)がある、といわれているらしい。
